Reiki is a safe, simple, natural and easy to learn technique. As Reiki is experiential, it cannot be learnt from books and it is necessary to attend sessions and seminars. Once a person is aligned with the energy, it is with for life.
There are different levels of Reiki Course which enhance the effects of the Reiki practitioner.
First Degree Course
Students receive attunements which align and open their energy centers to Reiki.
They learn the history of Reiki, the basic hand position for treatment of self and others.
As Reiki can be used in many different ways in our everyday life, class time is provided for students to practice Reiki on themselves and on other students.
On completion a student will be certified as a first degree Traditional Reiki practitioner.
Once the First Degree Course is finished, there is no need to learn anything further. A student gets Reiki for life. Reiki will help in transformation to achieve self-awareness.
Second Degree Course
Second Level Course allows a more comprehensive use of Reiki. Techniques are taught for invoking more energy for sending Reiki at a distance for furthering the mental, spiritual and emotional healing process of individuals.
Master Degree Course
Grand Master Degree Course