What is Reiki?
Reiki is god’s love in its purest form. Reiki works on all spheres of life, social, physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual.
There are some misconceptions which we would like to clear.
Reiki is not a religion.
Reiki is not a meditation.
Reiki is not a cult mantra, tantra or superstition.
Reiki is super-conscious energy which can travel without barriers of time and space.
Reiki cures all kinds of diseases. It addresses root cause of problem. A regular Reiki practitioner ensures a good and happy life in old age too. Reiki clears all bad effects of karmic reactions and ensures accident free, disease free happy and prosperous life.
Reiki converts all impossible in to possible events.
Reiki brings peace among all relationships.
Reiki harmonies an individual with all universal energies as well all living creations.
Some Benefits of Reiki
- Reiki is self-help – you take control of your health and well-being.
- Reiki reduces stress and tension and promotes relaxation.
- Reiki alleviates tiredness and aching muscles.
- Reiki relieves, headaches, cold, flu, cuts burns fatigue, stomach upsets, sprains and other discomforts of day to day living.
- Reiki complements other healing systems including medical treatment.
- Reiki Aids in the withdrawal process of addictive drugs.
- Reiki increases the therapeutic effects of both conventional medicines and alternative remedies.
- Reiki promotes recovery from surgery.
- Reiki reduces the incidence of illness and injury.
- Reiki enhances creativity, communication and learning abilities by improving the integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
- Reiki helps children in their growth process particularly with stress and learning difficulties.
- Reiki increases confidence and self-esteem.
- Reiki helps overcome fear and anxiety.
- Reiki assists in reconnecting with our inner self.
- Reiki is powerful tool for personal growth and improving the quality of our life.